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January ‘Lutheran Witness’: God giving to us

January ‘Witness’: God giving to us


JANUARY 12, 2024


God’s people gather every week to receive His gifts. In the Divine Service, He gives to us from His hand. He pours out forgiveness, life and salvation through the preached Word and in, with and under the bread and wine. His gifts strengthen and renew faith for the daily life of God’s people, directing them to show mercy and do good works for the neighbor in need.

Those reared in the faith — who have spent 20, 30 or perhaps by reason of strength 80 years in the church — can sometimes take the Divine Service for granted. They have grown up in it and do not realize that it can be difficult to learn from scratch.

The January issue of The Lutheran Witness (LW) will help both the lifelong Lutheran and a new visitor understand what’s going on in worship. The issue walks readers through the worship service of the Lutheran church. The articles define terms from the worship service, point to the Bible passages from which parts of the service come, and explain the pious actions and thoughts of Christians during worship. It’s certain to be a resource for long-time and new Lutherans alike.

LCMS.org/Lutheran Witness