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Free Will Offering/Jesus Dollars/Corporate Sponsors

FREE WILL OFFERINGS: For those who wish to give a free will offering, the offering plates are located near the entrance by the organ. All offerings go the the church's general fund.

JESUS DOLLARS: We all have one dollar bills in our pockets. We are collecting "Jesus", "Christ", "God" and "Lord" dollars for our church. You can tell if you have one of these "Special" dollars by the letter located in the circle left of George Washington's head. It also happens to be the first letter of the serial number on the bill. If there is a "J" "C" "G" or "L" on the bill we ask that you drop it into the white church located next to the organ. All of the donated Jesus dollars are designated for organ maintenance.

CORPORATE SPONSORS: The church has signed up with Kroger and Amazon Smile programs to receive donations. Each time you shop at these stores a small donation will be made to the church. Please consider signing up with these programs so when you shop the church benefits. Payments to the church are typically made on a quarterly basis. It's not much, but every little bit helps! Monies received from Kroger and Amazon will go towards the building fund.