Christ Our Redeemer
14722 Morris Ave Allen Park, Michigan 48101
(313) 429-3085
Rev. Joel M. Holls, Pastor
December 3, 2023
Welcome to Christ Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
Please take a moment to sign our guest book before leaving today.
Serving Today as
Elder: Neil Ikonen
Next Sunday
Elder: Vince Tobias
Our Mission
The Lord has planted us here to spread the Gospel in Allen Park and elsewhere. He gave us gifts
and talents to use as we carry out our responsibilities of sharing the life giving and lifesaving Wordand Sacraments. To this end, we commit our time, talents, and treasures in service to our Savior.
Welcome to Christ Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
We are happy that you have joined us today. Our hope is that you enjoyed the service and were inspired by God’s Word, that you will join us again very soon. If you are interested in membership, please talk to Pastor Holls or
one of our Elders.
.Daily Readings this week are in our hymnal, page 303, beginning today. If you can’t be with us, follow Divine Service 3 on page 184.
Lectionary Readings for next Sunday, the second Sunday in Advent, are on page xvi, at the front of the hymnal. These are our Old Testament, Epistle, and Gospel readings to preview for our worship next Sunday, December 10th.
Free Will Offering Those who wish to give an offering,
The offering plate is located at the entrance by the organ. Offerings, donations, and envelopes can be placed there.
Prayer List: Russ, Margie, Landon, Sheryl, Leda, Martha, Bill, Jody, Shirley W, Carrie, Glenn, Matthew, Scottie, Steve, Andy, Terry, Samson, Buddy, Vicki. If you need someone on this permanent prayer list or they can be taken off, please see Sarah Lange.
This Week’s Events:
Today, December 3rd: Worship at 10:00 a.m.
Installation of Officers. We would like to have all Church Council members as well as all our Elders to be part of this service for Installation.
Advent By Candlelight will be held Today, December 3rd at 6:00 p.m.
Please join us for our most inspiring evening to prepare for the coming of our Lord. It is always memorable and fun to look forward to Christmas in this way. If you don’t have enough people to fill your table, we have a list of our members to join you! If you haven’t signed up, please see Roxanne.
Looking Ahead:
Christ Our Redeemer Christmas Party, December 16th, from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. This is a family fellowship event, so we hope you will invite your families to join you. This has always been a fun and exciting night! Our menu will include sauerkraut and kielbasa, chicken, au gratin potatoes, salad, corn, rolls. Get tickets from Sarah Lange for $12.00 each.
As approved by Council: Services for Christmas/New Year:
Sunday, December 24 – Christmas Eve only. No services Sunday a.m. or Monday a.m.
Sunday, December 31 – Sunday morning only. No services Sunday evening or Monday a.m.
At the Voters meeting in October, we made some revisions as well as an addendum for the firearm policy. We voted for these to be permanent. This notice is to advise the members of Christ our Redeemer that these revisions are available for you to read, and if you feel the need, to discuss, have the opportunity prior to the next voters’ meeting. Copies have been emailed and are also available at the church entrance. We will vote to make these permanent at the February Voters’ meeting.
Weekly Serving Schedule
December 3
Neil Ikonen
Sarah Lange
Katee Harwood
December 10
Vince Tobias
Katee Harwood
Vince Tobias
December 17
Larry Harwood
Dawn & Terry R.
Diane McDowell
December 24 pm
Neil Ikonen
Sarah Lange
December 31
Vince Tobias
Katee Harwood
Vince Tobias
January 7
Larry Harwood
Dawn & Terry R.
Sarah Lange
2023 Pledge Drive
Our 2023 Pledge drive continues. Please look at the chart in the fellowship hall near the outside entrance. We have fallen behind, But, if everyone adds a few dollars, we’ll make our goal of $3,000.00 this year.
Church Cleaning
Church Cleaning is ongoing. Please consider coming for a bit to help for just an hour. If you want to get more information or just to confirm a day, please reach out to Vince, Cindy, or Roxanne. The cleaning schedule is:
Wednesday, December 13
6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, December 27
6:00 p.m.
Jeremiah 23:5–6 “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch… In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely. And this is the name by which he will be called: ‘The Lord is our righteousness.